Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Last Clock Out - 19 June 2012

Thank you Winnie for your SMS.

It is true that I am really relieved and happy after working 32 years of my life with Telekom (officially retired on the 19th July 2012) but yesterday was also the saddest day of my life apart from the demised of loved ones.

I was preparing it for few days telling my friends in BSQM a day before that I will not bid them farewell and not to be emotional or say sad parting words. Even I told my boss Pn Sugiwati the same thing When I met her. I was trying to composed myself but seeing all the staff from the 5th floor as well as the AGM, my Manager & present and former executives taking a group photo at the 5th floor lobby. I felt nervous because I don’t want myself embarrassed with my emotional situation. I have seen many ex staff getting emotional but I didn’t realize the effect of leaving the company and friends that was very great. You got to be retired to feel it and I’m sure of that but you need to have very great friends too.

You know, even the date for my leave I tried to keep secret but somehow they knew it. If they (Nelson, Zaza & Siswanto) didn’t come down with me for the last clock out, you and John would not have seen me. I was embarrassed to see you two but glad that my two great friends had seen me clocking for the last time. There are great friends in BSQM and before or after my official retirement it is good to send them parting words through their emails.

It was bad when I was driving home as I’ve got misty eyes but life has to go on with different environment and the only thing to do is to get used to the new environment.



It has been awhile that I didn’t post any articles in my blog and I will drag myself to update it as I am free now. I mean I am free from working. Anyway I will start with a very interesting occurrence that might be somewhat humorous to you but it is in Bahasa Malaysia. Sorry for the non speaking Malay.

 “Beberapa org PTI telah merompak sebuah bas yang penuh dengan penumpang perempuan dan mahu merogol mereka semua. Lalu seorang gadis berkata KAMU BULI ROGOL KAMI SEMUA, TAPI TOLONG JANGAN ROGOL NENEK SAYA..Dan nenek itu menjawab PANNDAII-PANNDAII, kalo dia cakap SEMUA, SEMUA LAH BAH...ini kali lah!!!!!