Friday, May 30, 2008

Hello .. Kotobian Tadau Tagazo do Kaamatan.

To start with my post after a long leave from blogging i will post pictures of the first day of festival celebrated at the Hongkod Koisaan (30th May 2008) which i took early in the morning just to beat the hoards of people which will come later in the day. I will try to capture more pictures on 31st May 2008 and who knows i may get some of the Unduk ngadaus pictures. Anyway, a more eloborate website can be visited at to look at the list of Unduk Ngadau representing their District.

The Significance of the Kaamatan Festival

Tadau Kaamatan has become a yearly expectation and epitome of all local cultural communities celebrations and heritage expressions through songs, dances, music, traditional attires, traditional sports, cultural shows, arts and crafts sales and traditional houses. People of all races and tourist join in to participate and add to the variety, colour and gaiety of the celebration. Indeed the Tadau Kaamatan has become a vital platform and venue for forstering, preserving and propagating harmony and unity in diversity for the multi-ethni kaamatan festival.c, multi-racial population of Sabah.

The Essence of Tadau Kaamatan

Kaamatan festival is a dedication to pay homage and honour to "Bambazon" (rice spirit) and to thank "Kinoingan" almighty God for their bountiful harvest and for his genorousity in prolonging life on earth. It is also an occasion where the promise of friendship and brotherhood is renewed through mutual forgiveness as manifested in the open to all share caring.

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