Friday, May 30, 2008

IMAGES OF KAAMATAN (30th May 2008)

Waiting for VIP at KDCA main entrance

Welcoming dance by Murut warriors

Traditional Dishes - Sedap juga bah sia rasa itu makanan

Aerial view of KDCA building taken from Rumah Lansaran, Murut traditional Building.

Traditional way of heating a iron bar for making knife. The big bamboo was used to pump air through the small bamboo. The pump was made from chicken feather which is attached to wooden stick.

Notice the hat worn by the lady ... wonder what costume they were wearing. I was busy taking the pix and unable to ask them about their traditional dress.

Beautiful 'ladies' with beautiful background

Photogenic Mama - I was looking at one of the traditional houses when i noticed this understanding 'Mama'. When i took the shot without permission, she was ready to pose like a
professional. She was attired beautifully with cheeky smile.
Thanks Mama.

Murut warriors - getting ready for war!

Inside Rungus longhouse - 'Inai' thinking about the future. Will our cultures continue when the elders fades into the hallmarks of time. The task will be shouldered by the younger set of dedicated and cultural knowledgeable KadazanDusun. Time will tell .....

Gong beaters dari kalangan pemuda Rungus - Good to see young KadazanDusun playing traditional instrument. Sorry gambar kurang terang .. gelap didalam tu dan panas. Itu baru jam 8.00 pagi, kalau petang macam-macam bau tu ... bau pohikok pun ada ....

Rungus Longhouse - Aduh banyaknya gelang and what have you yang diperbuat dari manik dijual oleh saudara Rungus kita dari Kudat. Cantik mata memandang ...

Gingiliton Papar - Kotohuadan diti umandak tu asaga do nanu gambal

Tuaran Lotud traditional house

Tuaran Lotud traditional house

Bisaya Traditional house - a very colourful and beautiful house.

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