Friday, April 01, 2011


What do you do when an unmarried lady in your office aggressively complaining and raising her voice without any regards to her office mate?

She has a very big attitude problem and her behaviour annoys us at times. She will at time shocked us by shouting, banging the phone and banging her table to show her displeasure to someone whose performance are not to her expectation. Ever since we moved to this office I cannot tolerate her problematic behaviour giving me so much tension. She is from different unit of our department but shared the office with us.

There was a time where after receiving complaint from the meeting room (our office near meeting room) to tone down but once you have bad mentality and oblivious disregard of other human being proved meaningless. She would not change.

I tried to find out what causes her attitude problem by looking for causes in the internet and I could only come up with variables that cause it.

- Have a chemical imbalance in the body structure

- Hormones are shifted, lost and released at certain points in time

- Menstrual periods

- Naturally having mental complex attitude

She came to my table as I was writing asking for favour and I just acknowledge her by bowing my head afraid that she would see what I was writing.

‘I am stressed’ she said as she left my table.

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