Sunday, May 17, 2009


At last a Sarawakian won the Akademi Fantasia reality show. I think he is the first from the state to enter the final, correct me if I am wrong. He deserved to win the title as he was very talented and consistent with all his performances. This is the second in a row for East Malaysian singers to win the title and this proves that they are pure and talented individuals.

I had posted regarding AFMasuk on the 2nd May 2009 asking not to AFmasuk either Claudia or Aishah for more chances to Hafiz winning the title.

..... I hope Sarawakian will not vote in either Claudia or Aishah as a tactic to make Hafiz the champion. They cannot make a champion from Sarawak if more than two contestant from the state. I got a clue that they want back Aril to be admitted to the academy again. Let them AFMASUK Aril.

Make Hafiz the next AF Champion Sarawakian. AF your rating is going down the drain .....

Congratulation to Hafiz, the afro haired boy and all his fans especially Sarawakian who now has a champion amongst them. Be proud of him.

As the AF show came to a close last night, it will be Mentor3 another singing competition with slightly different concept and classy as all the protégé’s mentor are either a popular singers or great composer. Bintang RTM quarter final is still on but it would be my last option to watch it as compared to Mentor 3. I will only watch it when a Sabahan is competing especially Jo-Ann Rampas is competing. She qualified to the semi-final during her last quarter performance.

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