Monday, May 18, 2009


I spent my whole Saturday watching Dart competition which I don’t enjoy watching it. I was responsible for the prizes right up to the presentation ceremony for the winners. I thought that the competition ended early like maybe around noon but being non-professional players they ought take sometime to check out.

The competition started at 9.00 am and completed almost 9.00 pm almost 12 hours of dart competition. I was drained, bored like hell and my stomach bloated after taking so much food and drinks to kill time. Before the competition I don’t know much about dart rules and regulation but somehow learned from watching them play.

The only best time was during the final where the best darters squared it off between them and I did enjoy watching them aiming for the highest points which was always on target.

I missed most of EPL game which was between Manchester United and Arsenal played at 7.45 pm and luckily Manchester United played to a scoreless game which make them the league champion again. I am a great fan of Manchester United.

I will think twice before committing myself for another Dart competition in the future.


Nessa said...

Glory, glory Man. United!! :D

BUTIZA'ON said...

Sorry to all Liverpool diehard fans .... try again next year. Congratulation to all MU fans Glory .. glory ...MU

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